4.6 (96) In stock
RIO's Trout VersiLeaders are designed for the fly fisher who needs a quick-change option for converting a floating line to a sink tip. Each
Rio Freshwater Versileader 10ft
Rio Trout Versileader
RIO Spey Versileader 6ft Sink Tips – Gamefish
Freshwater VersiLeaders are an instantaneous addition that converts floating lines to sink tips. RIO's Freshwater VersiLeaders have a strong nylon core in excess of 24 lb, and are tapered for the best in performance. They are ideal for the fly fisher who needs a quick-change option for converting a floating line to a sink tip. Each VersiLeader features a neat, bullet-proof welded loop at the butt end for fast rigging.
Rio Spey Versileader 10ft / Floating
Rio 7ft Trout Versileader - John Norris
The ultimate versatile leader system for quickly adjusting sink rate on the end of typical floating trout lines and scandi shooting heads #4 and lighter. VersiLeaders allow the user to quickly adjust fishing depth without changing fly lines. Simply loop the VersiLeader onto to the end of a line to adjust the depth at which the fly is presented in the water column. Available in clear floating, clear intermediate, black S4, and black S6 leader sink rates.
Rio Trout Versileader Fast Sink
RIO Product Guide 2017 by SAGE & RIO Workbook Scandinavia - Issuu
Customer reviews: Rio Trout Versileader, Tapered Sinking Leaders, Freshwater Fly Line, 12lb Core, 7ft / 4ips
Gorge Fly Shop Blog: RIO Versileaders for Trout, Steelhead, and Salmon - New for 2022
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