
Do-It Removable Split Shot Molds

$ 13.50

4.5 (114) In stock

No matter the DO-IT RM-1438 Removable Split Shot Sinker Mold are

Do-It Sinker Molds

Do-it Removable Split Shot Mold/リムーバブルスプリットショット

Lure Building Kits

Accessary Jig Molds Do-It Removeable Split Shot 1/4, 3/8 oz. This Split Shot has “teeth”, so you can crimp the sinker on your fishing line or pinch the “ears” to remove it. Use pure or soft lead to mold these bendable sinkers.

Do-it Split Shot Mold

DO-IT Cannon Ball Sinker Mold - 1/2 & 3/4 Oz (CB-10

Do it Mold (3171) RM-1618

Do It Mold Removable Split Shot Sinker Size: 1/16, 1/8 oz

The round Split Shot is one of this country's most used sinkers because of the ease in which it can be attached to the fishing line. That is, it's

Round Split Shot Sinker - Sz: 1/4, 1/3


Do-it Removable Split shot Mold! How to Make Fishing Sinkers

Accessary > Jig Molds

Do-It Bass Casting Mold 6, 8oz 2cavity

Do-It Split shot mold 1/4 & 3/8 cavities