
FLE FLY Fishing Tackle - Crappie were smacking the SMELLY SMAX this afternoon! Crappie fishing is finally getting a lot better with plastics. Minnows still good too, but all we used was

$ 10.50

4.9 (258) In stock

! These feisty little lures have a straight tail action like no other., Check this out - When you hold them to the side the tail droops behind


Home - Fle-Fly Tackle

Crappie Fishing - My Smelly Jelly SECRET!!!

FLE-FLY Crappie Kickers 2 Inch Soft Plastic Baits

FLE-FLY Crappie Kickers 2 Inch Soft Plastic Baits

Home - Fle-Fly Tackle

Ole' Pops Video Vault Presents - A Simple Way to Tie on 2 Crappie

Crappie Bite (Scent matters)

Crappie Fishing

FLE FLY SMELLY SMAX! Are Hard To Beat-Off!